40 Facts About Bald Eagle
Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata
Class Aves
Order Falconiformes
Family Accipitridae
Genus Haliaeetus
Species H. leucocephalus
- The bald eagle's scientific name signifies a sea (halo) eagle (aeetos) with a white (leukos) head. At one time, the word "bald" meant "white," not hairless.
- Eagles are a member of the Accipitridae family, which also includes hawks, kites, and oldworld vultures.
- There are two subspecies of bald eagles. The "southern" bald eagle, Haliaeetus leucocephalus and the "nothern "bald eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus alascanus.
- The golden eagle is larger than the bald eagle in average height and wingspan, but there isn't much difference in their average weight.
- Eagles do not sweat, so they need to use other cooling methods such as perching in the shade, panting, and holding their wings away from their body.
- Tolerance to cold temperatures- A bald eagle's skin is protected by feathers lined with down. The feet are cold resistance because they are mostly tendon.The outside of the bill is mostly nonliving material, with little blood supply.
- Largest member of the Hawk family.
- About 90% of eagles do not survive their first year.
- About 40% do not survive their first flight.
- Eagles are capable of breeding from age 4
- Some eagles do not breed every year. (Reason unknown).
- Eggs are generally laid in late March or early May, depending on the area of the country.
- Incubation period is 35 days.
- At 10 to 12 weeks of age, eagles are fully grown and capable of flight.
- Nesting territory roughly 1 to 2 square miles.
- ½ of world eagle population lives in Alaska.
- Bald eagleís skeleton weighs approximately ½ pound. (200-300 gram range)
- There are some 7,200 feathers on an eagleís body.
- Feathers weigh twice as much in total weight than the skeleton.
- Beak, talons and feathers are all made of keratin; therefore they are in a constant state of growth.
- Eagles can shift and fluff their feathers in order to protect themselves from harsh weather, wind and temperatures.
- Eagles have color vision .An eagle's eye is almost as large as a human's, but its sharpness is at least four times that of a person with perfect vision. The eagle can probably identify a rabbit moving almost a mile away. That means that an eagle flying at an altitude of 1000 feet over open country could spot prey over an area of almost 3 square miles from a fixed position.
- Body temperature is 102º Fahrenheit (38.8º C)
- Eagles do not have vocal cords; sound is produced in the Syrinx, a bony chamber located where the trachea divides to go to the lungs.
- Bald eagles have two centers of focus or Foveae,which gives them the ability to see forward and to the sides simultaneously.
- Eagles do have hearing, it is used to help locate and ìlock inî on prey when necessary. It is not as strong or remarkable as their eyesight or an owls hearing.
- Eagle's ears are located just behind the eyes.
- Bald eagleís feet are resistant to cold, due to being made up mostly of tendon.
- This also aids in their incredible strength.
- The eagle can produce up to 1000 p.s.i. of torque on either of its feet.
- Hunting areas can cover from 1,700 to 10,000 acres.
- Eagles can rotate their heads about the same distance as owls, 270º
- Eagles have a second transparent eyelid (Nictitating Membrane) to protect its eye while eating, hunting, feeding young, etc. It also cleans & moisturizes the eye.
- Spicules are the small, rough projections sticking out from the undersides of the eagleís fleshy toes which help the eagle grasp slippery prey.
- Eagles have a Crop that stores food while the stomach is full, it also separates indigestible foods that become coated in mucus, which is then expelled or regurgitated much like an owl pellet.
- At a height of 1000 feet, the bald eagle has a range of view for small prey (rabbit size) of about 3 square miles.
- Average flight speed is 30-40mph. Dive speed can reach 100mph!
- Bald Eagles can swim! They use their wings much like a butterfly's motion when in this situation.
- Haliaeetus leucocephalus means white-headed sea eagle in Latin.
- Juvenile eagle feathers a larger than an adults; these are nature's training wheels to aid in stabilizing flight in their early flying days.
- Though not as fast as falcons, bald eagles are fast fliers. When diving, where lift is less important than reaching drag, the eagle pulls in its wings to minimize their surface area.
- The eagle is a strong swimmer, but if the water is very cold, it may be overcome by hypothermia.
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