Minggu, 29 April 2012

Interesting Facts IV

Interesting Facts IV

1) The Great Pyramid at Giza in Egypt holds a constant temperature of 68 degrees Fahrenheit.

2) The state official motto of Alaska is " North to the Future"

3) In ancient Egypt, priests plucked every hair from their bodies.

4) 2,520 can be divided by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 without having a fractional leftover

5) Human eye detects 10 million colors.

6) The word "Checkmate" in chess comes from the Persian phrase "Shah Mat," which means "the king (shah) is dead (mat)."

7) One California law states that sunshine is guaranteed to all people.

8) Moderate dancing burns 250 to 300 calories an hour.

9) Butterflies smell with their feet.

10) Canada is the westernized version of "Kanata" which is an Indian word meaning "Big Village".

11) Infants spend more time dreaming than adults do.

12) Horses can't vomit and pigs can't look up to the sky.

13) The oldest dog died at the age of 29.

14) Cats are the most popular pets in the United States.

15) 5% of the world population lives in the US but 22% of the world's prisons population are held in the US.

16) All swans in England are the property of the queen or king.

17) The first product to have a bar code scanned was Wrigley's gum.

18) Earth is the only planet not named after a pagan God.

19) Benjamin Franklin was offended about putting a bald eagle as the national bird because he thought that other people were trying to make fun of him, since he was bald.

20) The Germans tried to copy Coca-Cola and came up with the drink Fanta.

21) In Albania, nodding your head means ‘no’ and shaking your head means ‘yes’.

22) Nearly 50% of all bank robberies take place on Friday.

23) In India, Pajamas are accepted as standard daytime wearing apparel.

24) 99% of pumpkins sold in the US are for the sole purpose of decoration.

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