Rabu, 20 Juni 2012

A List of names of animal groups

A List of names of animal groups 

Many species of animals, particularly those domesticated, have been given specific names for the male, the female, and the young of the species. There are a few generic terms, "bull-cow-calf", for instance, that are found across species, but many species have been granted unique names for these gender/age characteristics.

It is thought that many of the bizarre words used for collective groupings of animals were first published in 1486 in the Book of St. Albans, in an essay on hunting attributed to a Dame Juliana Barnes. Many of the words are thought to be chosen simply for the humorous or poetic images they conjured up in her lively imagination.

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia en.wikipedia.org

Albatross come in groups called a rookery

Alligators come in groups called a congregation

Alpaca come in groups called a herd

Antelope come in groups called a herd

Apes come in groups called a shrewdness or troop

Antelope come in groups called a herd

Ants come in groups called a colony, army, swarm or nest

Armadillo come in groups called a roll

Asses come in groups called a pace, herd or drove

Auks come in groups called a colony, flock or raft

Baboons come in groups called a troop or flange

Bacteria come in groups called a culture

Badgers come in groups called a cete, colony, set or company

Barracudas come in groups called a battery

Bats come in groups called a colony or cloud

Bass come in groups called a shoal

Bears come in groups called a sloth, sleuth or litter

Beavers come in groups called a colony or family

Bees come in groups called a grist, hive, swarm or nest

Birds come in groups called a brood, clutch, flight, flock or dissimulation

Bison come in groups called a herd

Bitterns come in groups called a sedge, or seige

Bloodhounds come in groups called a sute

Bobolinks come in groups called a chain

Boar sounder or singular

Buffalo come in groups called a herd, troop, gang, or obstinancy

Bullfinches come in groups called a bellowing

Bullocks come in groups called a drove

Butterflies come in groups called a flight, or flutter

Buzzards come in groups called a wake

Camels come in groups called a caravan, train, or flock

Capons come in groups called a mews

Caribou come in groups called a herd

Caterpillars come in groups called a army

Cats come in groups called a clowder, clutter, pounce, dout, nuisance, glorying, or glare

Cattle come in groups called a drove, herd, or team

Cheetahs come in groups called a coalition

Chickens come in groups called a brood, or peep

Chicks come in groups called a clutch, or chattering

Chinchilla come in groups called a colony

Choughs come in groups called a clattering

Clams come in groups called a bed

Cobras come in groups called a quiver

Cockroaches come in groups called a intrusion

Cod come in groups called a lap

Colts come in groups called a rag, or rake Coots come in groups called a cover, or raft

Cormorants come in groups called a gulp

Cows come in groups called a kine

Coyotes come in groups called a band

Crabs come in groups called a cast

Cranes come in groups called a sedge, or seige

Crocodiles come in groups called a bask, or float

Crones come in groups called a cackle

Crows come in groups called a murder, horde, parcel, or storytelling

Cur Dogs come in groups called a cowardice

Curlews come in groups called a herd

Debutants come in groups called a bevy or soirée

Deer come in groups called a herd, leash, or gang

Dinosaur come in groups called a herd or pack

Dogs come in groups called a kennel

Dolphins come in groups called a pod

Donkeys come in groups called a drove, pace, or herd

Dotterel come in groups called a trip

Doves come in groups called a arc, dule, bevy, cote, dole, or paddling

Ducks come in groups called a floc, brace, or badling

Dunlins come in groups called a fling

Eagles come in groups called a convocation, or aerie

Eels come in groups called a swarm, bed, or fry

Elephants come in groups called a herd, or memory

Elk come in groups called a gang, or herd

Emus come in groups called a mob

Falcons come in groups called a cast

Fat men come in groups called a bloat

Ferrets come in groups called a business, cast, or fesnying

Finches come in groups called a charm

Fish come in groups called a draft, nest, shoal, school, catch, drought, or haul

Flamingoes come in groups called a stand, or flamboyance

Flies come in groups called a business, swarm, or cloud

Frogs come in groups called a army, colony, or knot

Fox come in groups called a leash, skulk, earth, lead, or troop

Game Birds come in groups called a volary, brace, plump or knob

Geese come in groups called a flock, skein, gaggle, herd, or corps

Gerbil come in groups called a horde

Giraffes come in groups called a herd, corps or tower

Gnats come in groups called a cloud, horde, or swarm

Gnus come in groups called a implausibility

Goats come in groups called a tribe, trip, drove, herd, or flock

Goldfinches come in groups called a charm

Goldfish come in groups called a glint, or troubling

Gorillas come in groups called a band, or troop

Goshawks come in groups called a flight

Grasshoppers come in groups called a cloud

Greyhounds come in groups called a leash

Grouse come in groups called a pack, or covey

Guillemots come in groups called a bazaar

Guinea pigs come in groups called a muddle

Gulls come in groups called a colony, or screech

Guinea Fowl come in groups called a confusion

Hamster come in groups called a horde

Hare come in groups called a warren, down or husk

Hawks come in groups called a cast, kettle or oil

Hedgehogs come in groups called a array

Herons come in groups called a sedge, siege, or hedge

Herring come in groups called a army, or shoal

Hippopotamuses come in groups called a bloat

Hog come in groups called a drove, or herd

Hornets come in groups called a nest, or bike

Horses come in groups called a team, harras, stable, troop, or stud

Hound Dogs come in groups called a cry, mute, or pack

Human come in groups called a clan, crowd, family, community, gang, mob, or tribe

Hummingbirds come in groups called a charm

Husbands come in groups called a couch or bench

Hyenas come in groups called a cackle

Impalas come in groups called a herd

Insects come in groups called a horde, nest, swarm, rabble, or plague

Jackrabbit come in groups called a husk

Jays come in groups called a party, scold, or band

Jellyfish come in groups called a smack, or brood

Kangaroos come in groups called a troop, mob, or herd

Kittens come in groups called a kindle, litter, or intrigue

Koala come in groups called a cling

Ladybirds come in groups called a loveliness

Lapwings come in groups called a deceit

Larks come in groups called a exaltation, or ascension

Leopards come in groups called a leap

Lice come in groups called a flock

Lions come in groups called a pride, sault, or troop

Lizards come in groups called a lounge

Llama come in groups called a cria herd

Locusts come in groups called a plague

Magpies come in groups called a tiding, gulp, murder, or charm

Mallards come in groups called a brace or sord

Martens come in groups called a richness

Mice come in groups called a mischief or nest

Midges come in groups called a Bite

Minnows come in groups called a shoal, steam, or swarm

Moles come in groups called a labor, company, or movement

Monkeys come in groups called a troop, barrel, carload, cartload, or tribe

Moose come in groups called a herd

Mosquitoes come in groups called a scourge

Mudhens come in groups called a fleet

Mules come in groups called a pack, span, barren, or rake

Nightingales come in groups called a watch

Opossum come in groups called a grin

Ostrich come in groups called a flock

Otters come in groups called a romp, bevy, family, or raft

Owls come in groups called a parliament, or stare

Oxen come in groups called a team, yoke, or drove

Oysters come in groups called a bed

Pandas come in groups called a bamboo

Parrots come in groups called a company, or pandemonium

Partridge come in groups called a covey, or bew

Peacocks come in groups called a muster, ostentation, or pride

Pekingese come in groups called a pomp

Pelicans come in groups called a pod

Penguins come in groups called a colony, rookery, huddle, crèche,

Pheasants come in groups called a nest, nye, nide, or bouquet

Pigeons come in groups called a flight, flock, or kit

Pigs come in groups called a drift, drove, singular, sounder, team, passel, drift, or parcel

Pilchards come in groups called a shoal

Platypus come in groups called a puddle

Plovers come in groups called a congregation or wing

Polecats come in groups called a chine

Ponies come in groups called a string

Porcupines come in groups called a prickle

Porpoises come in groups called a herd, pod, school, crowd, or shoal

Prairie Dogs come in groups called a coterie

Pronghorn come in groups called a herd

Ptarmigans come in groups called a covey

Puppies come in groups called a litter

Quail come in groups called a Bevy, covey

Rabbits come in groups called a colony, warren, bury, trace, trip, herd, litter or nest

Raccoons come in groups called a gaze

Rats come in groups called a colony, pack, plague, or swarm

Rattlesnakes come in groups called a rhumba or coil

Ravens come in groups called a unkindness, or storytelling

Reindeer come in groups called a herd

Rhinoceroses come in groups called a crash, or stubbornness

Roebucks come in groups called a bevy

Rooks come in groups called a building, clamor, or parliament

Ruffs come in groups called a hill

Salmon come in groups called a run

Sand Dollar come in groups called a purse

Sandpipers come in groups called a fling

Sardines come in groups called a family

Scorpions come in groups called a bed, nest

Seabirds come in groups called a Wreck

Seals come in groups called a pod, bob, harem, herd, or rookery

Seastar come in groups called a constellation

Sea Urchin come in groups called a vagrant

Serval come in groups called a sluthe

Sharks come in groups called a shiver, school, or shoal

Sheep come in groups called a drove, flock, down, hurtle, fold, pack, or trip

Sheldrakes come in groups called a doading

Skunk come in groups called a surfeit

Skylarks come in groups called a exultation

Squirrels come in groups called a dray, scurry

Snails come in groups called a escargatoire, rout, or walk

Snakes come in groups called a den, nest, pit, bed, or knot

Snipe come in groups called a walk, or wisp

Sparrows come in groups called a host

Spiders come in groups called a cluster, or clutter

Springbok come in groups called a herd

Squirrels come in groups called a dray, or scurry

Shrews (mouse-like animal) come in groups called a whisker

Shrews (women) come in groups called a quarrel or nag

Starlings come in groups called a murmuration, or chattering

Stingrays come in groups called a fever

Stoats come in groups called a pack, trip

Storks come in groups called a mustering, or muster

Swallows come in groups called a flight, or gulp

Swans come in groups called a bevy, bank, herd, wedge, or flight

Swifts come in groups called a flock

Swine come in groups called a sounder Teal come in groups called a spring

Termites come in groups called a colony, nest, swarm, or brood

Thrush come in groups called a mutation

Tigers come in groups called a streak, or ambush

Toads come in groups called a knot, knab, or nest

Toodlers come in groups called a tumble

Trout come in groups called a hover

Turkeys come in groups called a rafter, gang, or posse

Turtles come in groups called a bale, nest, turn, or dole

Turtle Doves come in groups called a pitying, or piteousness

Unicorns come in groups called a blessing

Vipers come in groups called a generation, or nest

Vultures come in groups called a venue or kettle

Wallaby come in groups called a mob

Walruses come in groups called a herd, or pod

Wasps come in groups called a nest, swarm

Water ducks come in groups called a raft, team, or paddling

Waterfowl come in groups called a knob, or plump

Weasles come in groups called a gang, colony, or pack

Whales come in groups called a pod, gam, herd, school, or mod

Widgeons come in groups called a company

Wild Cats come in groups called a destruction

Wild Dogs come in groups called a pack

Wildfowl come in groups called a plump

Wild Horses come in groups called a herd

Witches come in groups called a flight or cackle

Wives come in groups called a nag

Wolves come in groups called a pack, route, or rout

Wombats come in groups called a wisdom

Woodcocks come in groups called a fall

Woodpeckers come in groups called a descent

Worms come in groups called a bed, clew, bunch, or clat

Wrens come in groups called a herd

Yak come in groups called a herd

Yellow Jacket come in groups called a colony

Zebras come in groups called a Crossing, Zeal, Cohorts, or Herd

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