Senin, 28 Mei 2012

12 Secrets of Zodiac Symbols

12 Secrets of Zodiac Symbols

Mosaic pavement of a 6th century synagogue at Beth Alpha, Jezreel Valley, northern Israel. It was discovered in 1928. Signs of the zodiac surround the central chariot of the Sun (a Greek motif), while the corners depict the 4 "turning points" ("tekufot") of the year, solstices and equinoxes, each named for the month in which it occurs--tequfah of Tishrei, (tequfah of Tevet), tequfah of Ni(san), tequfah of Tamuz.

Have you ever wondered where that little symbol that represents your Zodiac sign comes from?

The symbol for Aries is a stylized representation of the head of a Ram.The long face and two horns of a ram. In Greek mythology, Aries was the Ram who bore the Golden Fleece, pursued by the adventurer Jason in his ship the Argo. Aries, however, didn't give up his fleece without a fight. Aries natives, like the mythological Ram, are rarely quitters.

The symbol for Taurus is a stylized representation of a round face and horned head of the bull. In ancient Goddess-worshiping societies, the Bull was worshiped as a symbol of fertility. The strength and stability of the Bull serves Taureans well in their steady progress through life.Negative: inwardly reflective, introvert.

The symbol for Gemini is two Twins standing side by side. The Twins were Castor and Pollux, the sons of Leda and the Swan (Zeus in disguise). The personalities of the Twins were totally different - which is why Gemini natives seem to have two distinct faces.

The symbol for Cancer is a stylized representation of the claws of a Crab. The goddess Hera sent a Crab to the hero Hercules to prevent him from killing the water serpent Hydra. Instead, Hercules killed the Crab, who was then transported to the heavens. The Crab's sacrifice lives on today in the selfless love of mothers, which are ruled by Cancer.

The glyph of Leo symbolizes the head of a Lion. The first labor of Hercules was to slay the Nemean Lion, a beast whose hide was so tough no arrow could pierce it. Hercules strangled it - and, again, its soul was sent to the skies. Today, like natives of this sign, Leo is a sign of strength, light, and brilliance - vulnerable only to the most powerful.

The M-shaped sign for Virgo stands for Mary, the virgin mother of Christ, and the squiggle at the side represents a sheaf of harvested wheat. Some believe this wheat sheaf demonstrates a remnant of ancient paganism in the heyday of early Christianity: the combination of inner purity with human fertility - both of which are features of Virgo natives today.

The symbol for Libra is a stylized representation of a pair of Scales. This sign is said to symbolize the scales of Astraea, the Roman Goddess of justice. Many Librans today make excellent judges and mediators as they can weigh the merits of both sides of any issue.

The symbol for Scorpio is an "M" for Mars, the traditional ruler of Scorpio, with a tail representing the sting of the Scorpion. The ancient hunter Orion once boasted that there was no beast big enough to kill him. The Scorpion proved him wrong. Scorpios can recall their strength in the scuffle with Orion and use it to help them to meet any challenge.

Sagittarius' symbol is the arrow of the Archer. Sagittarius, originally a fierce and warlike centaur, comes from a Sumerian legend. In ancient Rome, however, his myth was overshadowed by that of the gentle and fun-loving Chiron. Sagittarians thus can be very playful - and yet formidable opponents in any conflict.

The symbol for Capricorn depicts the head and tail of a goat. In Greek mythology, Capricorn was the name of a hero who, during the war of the Titans, panicked and jumped into the Nile, changing into a goat-fish hybrid creature, now called the Sea Goat. Today, Capricorns use the cleverness of the frightened hero to advance themselves in life.

Aquarius' symbol comes from the Egyptian hieroglyphic "Mu," meaning water. The Egyptians also had a water god called Hapi, usually shown pouring water onto the earth from two jars - the Water Bearer. Today, enlightened Aquarians spread the water of higher consciousness throughout the world.

The symbol for Pisces is a stylized representation of two Fishes. The myth of this sign goes as far back as Sumer, but the best-known story comes from the Greeks: Aphrodite and her son Eros were being chased by the monster Typhon, and narrowly escaped by jumping into a river and turning into Fishes. Pisceans of today tend to escape into the waters of imagination.

What Is Your Body Language ?

What Is Your Body Language ? 
As we all know, communication is essential in society. Advancements in technology have transformed the way that we correspond with others in the modern world, yet when conversing face-to-face, it's not only speech we verbalize that matters. Body language is truly a language of its own. We all have quirks and habits that are uniquely our own. What does your body language say about you? And what can you learn about others by becoming aware of what some of the signs mean?

I thought it would be fun to list some of the well-known signs that body language experts study and recognize. It is said that when talking to a person the information that we receive can be broken down as:

10% from what the person actually says
40% from the tone and speed of voice
50% is from their body language.


Lowering one's head can signal a lack of confidence. If someone lowers their head when complimented, they may be shy or timid

Touching or tugging at one's ear can indicate indecisiveness

Sincere smiles encompass the whole face (noticeable in the eyes)

A false smile usually only engages the lips

Tilting one's head can symbolize interest in something or someone

Overly tilted heads can be a sign of sympathy

Closing of eyes or pinching at the bridge of one's nose is often done when making a negative evaluation

When a listener nods, this is usually a positive message and relays that they are interested and paying attention

However, excessive nodding can imply that the listener has lost interest but doesn't want to be rude

Touching/rubbing one's nose may indicate doubtfulness or rejection of an idea

Sticking out one's chin toward another may show defiance

Resting a hand on one's cheek is often done if they are thinking or pondering; and stroking the chin can mean the person is trying to make a decision


Pushing back one's shoulders can demonstrate power and courage

Open arms means one is comfortable with being approached and willing to talk/communicate

Folded arms show that there is a sort of barricade between them and other people (or their surroundings) and indicate dissatisfaction

Resting one's arms behind their neck shows that they are open to what is being discussed and interested in listening more

Pointing one's finger can be construed as aggression or assertiveness

Touching the front of the neck can show that someone is interested and concerned about what another is saying

Hand movements that are upward & outward signify positive and open messages

Palms that are faced outwards towards another indicate one's wish to stop and not approach

If one's fingers are interlaced or if the finger tips are pressed together, it usually shows that a person is thinking and evaluating

If offering ideas to other people, many times the sides of one's palms are close together, with fingers extended


Putting your hands on your hips can show eagerness and readiness (also, at times, aggression)

Hips pushed forward, while leaning back can show that one feels powerful (also can be a suggestive gesture)

A wide stance - where one's feet are positioned far apart - signifies more power and dominance

When one sits with legs open and part, they might feel secure in their surroundings

Crossed legs can mean several things: relaxed/comfortable, or defensive - depending on how tense the leg muscles are

When you cross your legs towards another person, you are showing more interest in them than when they are crossed away in the other direction

A confident and powerful position is the "Figure of Four Cross" when one's ankle is atop the other leg's knee and the top leg is pointed sideways

Bouncing your foot if your legs are crossed can show that you are bored or losing patience


The lowering of the eyes can convey fear, guilt or submission

Lowered eyebrows and squinted eyes illustrate an attempt at understanding what is being said or going on

A lack of confidence or apprehensiveness can be displayed when you don't look another person in the eyes

One tends to blink more often if nervous or trying to evaluate someone else

If you look directly into another person's eyes you are displaying self-assurance

Wide eyes show more of an interest in a subject or person

If you are irritated with a comment made by another during a conversation, a common movement is to take a quick glance sideways

Staring at someone can be an aggressive gesture or suggest that the one staring feels dominant

Recalling a memory is usually done by looking up and to the right

Looking directly upwards can indicate that one is thinking

Eye contact is normally broken if someone feels insulted by another

Jumat, 25 Mei 2012

Selena Gomez

Minggu, 13 Mei 2012

Truths but not Truths

Truths but not Truths

 1. Elvis is dead.
 2. Jesus was not white.
 3. Rap music is here to stay.
 4. Kissing your pet is not cute or clean.
 5. Skinny does not equal sexy.
 6. Thomas Jefferson had black children.
 7. A 5-year-old child is too big for a stroller.
 8. N’SYNC will never hold a candle to the Jackson 5.
 9. An occasional BUTT whooping helps a child stay in line.
10. Having your children curse you out in public is not normal.

 1. Hickeys are not attractive.
 2. Chicken is food, not a roommate.
 3. Jesus is not a name for your son.
 4. Your country’s flag is not a car decoration.
 5. Maria is a name but not for every daughter.
 6. Jump out and run is not in any insurance policies.
 7. Ten people to a car are considered too many.
 8. Buttoning just the top button of your shirt is a bad fashion statement.
 9. Mami and Papi can’t possibly be the nickname ofevery person in your family.
10. Letting your children run wildly through the store isnot normal.

 1. O.J. did it.
 2. Tupac is dead.
 3. Teeth should not be decorated.
 4. Weddings should start on time.
 5. Your pastor doesn’ t know everything.
 6. Jesse Jackson will never be President.
 7. Red is not a Kool Aid flavor, it’s a color.
 8. Church does not require expensive clothes.
 9. Crown Royal bags are meant to be thrown away.
10. Your rims and sound system should not be worth more than your car.



1. Any fake phone number a girl gave you would automatically forward your call to her real number.

2. Nodding and looking at your watch would be deemed an acceptable response to “I love you.”

3. Hallmark would make “Sorry, what was your name again?” cards.

4. When your girlfriend really needed to talk to you during the game, she’d appear in a little box in the corner of the screen during a time-out.

5. Each year, your raise would be pegged to the fortunes of the NFL team of your choice.

6. The funniest guy in the office would get to be CEO.

7. “Sorry I’m late, but I got really wasted last night” would be an acceptable excuse for tardiness.

8. At the end of the workday, a whistle would blow and you’d jump out your window and slide down the tail of a brontosaurus and right into your car like Fred Flintstone.

9. It’d be considered harmless fun to gather 30 friends, put on horned helmets, and go pillage a nearby town.

10. When a cop gave you a ticket, every smart-aleck answer you responded with would actually reduce your fine. As in: Cop: “You know how fast you were going?” You:“All I know is, I was spilling my beer all over the place.” Cop: “Nice one. That’s $10 off.”

11. Tanks would be far easier to rent

12. Garbage would take itself out.

13. Instead of beer belly, you’d get “beer biceps.”

14. Instead of an expensive engagement ring, you could present your wife-to-be with a giant foam hand that said,“You’re #1!”

15. Valentine’s Day would be moved to February 29th so it would only occur in leap years.

17. On Groundhog Day, if you saw your shadow, you’d get the day off to go drinking. Mother’s Day, too.

18. St. Patrick’s Day, however, would remain exactly the same. But it would be celebrated every month.

19. “COPS” would be broadcast live, and you could phone in advice to the pursuing cops. Or to the crooks.

20. The only show opposite “Monday Night Football” would be “Monday Night Football from a Different Camera Angle.”

21. The candle shops in the mall would sell candles that smell like whiskey and beer.

22. Women suffering from PMS would be required to wear a burka.

23. Gun racks would be standard on all American cars.

24. There would be a device that automatically raised and lowered toilet seats.

25. 2006 Cloning Act: ”Only Jessica Alba may be cloned.”

Rabu, 09 Mei 2012

13 Things You Might Not Know About ‘Gone With the Wind’

13 Things You Might Not Know About ‘Gone With the Wind’

On 3rd may date 1937 about 76 years ago, Gone with the Wind won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction. some facts about the classic book.

1. It was boredom that caused 25-year-old Margaret Mitchell to write 63 of the most beloved chapters in literary history. Mitchell was a journalist for the Atlanta Journal Sunday Magazine when she took a leave to recover from “a series of injuries,” according to the Margaret Mitchell House, including a recurring ankle injury. When the ankle proved slow to heal this time, she decided to occupy herself by writing.

2. Though Mitchell spent the next decade working on characters and plot development, almost no one knew she was writing a book. She went to extreme lengths to hide her work from friends and family, including hurriedly throwing a rug over pages scattered on her living room floor once when company showed up unexpectedly.

3. Despite spending 10 years of her life working on the tome, Mitchell didn’t really have much intention of publishing it. When a “friend” heard that she was considering writing a book (though in fact, it had been written), she said something to the effect of, “Imagine, you writing a book!” Annoyed, Mitchell took her massive manuscript to a Macmillan editor the next day. She later regretted the act and sent the editor a telegram saying, “Have changed my mind. Send manuscript back.”

4. You know her as Scarlett now, but for years, the heroine of Gone with the Wind was called Pansy. It probably would have stayed that way had the publisher not requested a name change. “We could call her ‘Garbage O’Hara’ for all I care,” Mitchell wrote to her friend and the book’s associate editor, “I just want to finish this damn thing.”5. Speaking of name changes, early drafts of GWTW referred to Tara as “Fountenoy Hall.”

6.There was another Southern legend in Margaret Mitchell’s family: Old West gunslinger (and dentist) Doc Holliday, her cousin by marriage. Many people believe that Mitchell used her famous kin as the inspiration for Ashley Wilkes.

7. Add Margaret Mitchell to everyone else who doesn’t know what ultimately happened with Scarlett and Rhett. She left the ending ambiguous with no “real” ending even in her own head. “For all I know, Rhett may have found someone else who was less—difficult,” she told Yank magazine in 1945.

8. Even if you haven’t read the book, you might have heard the last line: “Tomorrow is another day.” That was also the tentative title. Mitchell also considered calling it Bugles Sang True or Not in Our Stars. The title she finally decided upon comes from a poem called Non Sum Qualis Eram Bonae sub Regno Cynarae by Ernest Dowson: “I have forgot much, Cynara! gone with the wind,
Flung roses, roses riotously with the throng,
Dancing, to put thy pale, lost lilies out of mind”

9. Though Gone with the Wind is a classic now, not everyone was a fan of the epic novel when it was released – and that includes critics. Ralph Thompson, a book reviewer for The New York Times, was quite unimpressed. Among his criticisms:
“The historical background is the chief virtue of the book, and it is the story of the times rather than the unconvincing and somewhat absurd plot that gives Miss Mitchell’s work whatever importance may be attached to it.”
“Miss Mitchell writes from no particular point of view.”
“I happen to feel that the book would have been infinitely better had it been edited down to, say, 500 pages–but there speaks the harassed daily reviewer as well as the would-be judicious critic. Very nearly every reader will agree, no doubt, that a more disciplined and less prodigal piece of work would have more nearly done justice to the subject-matter.”
At the end, Thompson rather begrudgingly admits that, “Any kind of first novel of over 1,000 pages is an achievement and for the research that was involved, and for the writing Itself, the author of Gone With the Wind deserves due recognition.”

10. When movie mogul David O. Selznick purchased the movie rights for $50,000 in 1936, it was the most ever paid for rights to a book. Mitchell declined to be involved with the production of the movie, though she was said to have loved it save for a few details (she found Tara to be too opulent, for example).

Though she spent a decade writing her masterpiece, Margaret Mitchell only enjoyed the ensuing fame for a little more than that (truth be told, she didn’t really “enjoy” the fame). Mitchell was hit by a speeding car as she was crossing Atlanta’s Peachtree Street on her way to a movie in 1949. She died from her injuries a few days later.

11. Gone with the Wind is the only novel by Mitchell published during her lifetime.

12. It is the second favorite book by American readers, just behind the Bible, according to a 2008 Harris Poll.

13. Through its initial release in 1939, and subsequent re-releases throughout the years,the film  Gone with the Wind has sold 225 million tickets, a feat unmatched to this day.

About the film

Enjoy these little known facts from MGM's classic film "Gone With The Wind".

14.1- Over 1,400 actresses were interviewed for the coveted role of Scarlet O'Hara.

2- The one actress whom all of Hollywood felt had the role (including herself) was Paulette Goddard, live-in girlfriend of comedian Charlie Chaplin. When the press leaked the information they were "living in sin", Paulette was quickly dropped from consideration.

3- British actress Vivian was finally selected to play Scarlett. There was, however, a slight problem...she was also living with her lover,fellow British actor Laurence Olivier out-of-wedlock in England! Fearing the loss of a 2nd "Scarlet", the studio did not allow the two to see each other during any of the filming, thus eliminating any scandal since the American public was not familiar with her as they had been with Goddard.

4- Vivian Leigh's hands were usually filmed while she wore gloves. This was due to the fact her hands were very large and disproportional in regard to her petite frame (5'3").

5- Both Vivian Leigh and Scarlett O'Hara's parents were French and Irish.

6- During filming, Vivian Leigh smoked 4 packs of cigarettes a day. Clark Gable smoked only 3 packs a day.

Casting The Roles - Rhett

1- Actor Gary Cooper was offered the role of Rhett Butler but turned it down. He was quoted with saying, "Gone with the Wind (1939) is going to be the biggest flop in Hollywood history," and, "I'm just glad it'll be Clark Gable who's falling on his face and not Gary Cooper."

2- The only reason Clark Gable accepted the role of Rhett Butler was tied into a divorce! Gable felt the general public had built up the role in their minds to the extent that no man could possible meet their expectations. He even called the role "career suicide". It was during this time Gable had fallen in love with Carole Lombard but was still married to his 2nd wife who demanded a whopping $500,000 settlement (a fortune during the Depression!) for a divorce. MGM agreed to give him the added financial help he needed to obtain his divorce that he very reluctantly agreed to be loaned to Selznick Pictures and take the role of Rhett.

3- Clark Gable wore false teeth, as well as having his large ears surgically altered. Both operations were done in 1933. He had a chronic case of Halitosis (bad breath) the rest of his life. It was so severe that many actresses would gag during kissing scenes!

Other Casting Notes

1- Judy Garland had been heavily considered for Scarlett's younger sister Carreen, but she was tied up with a previous commitment..."The Wizard Of Oz".

2- There were 2,400 extras and bit players in "GWTW".

3- 2,500 costumes were used by the female cast in the film's making.

4- Barbara O'Neil , the actress who played Scarlett's mother was only 28 years old when she played the role. Vivian Leigh was 25 years old.

5- Actress Lillian Gish was originally approached to play Scarlett's mother.

6- Billie Burke (remember her as Glenda, the Good Witch in "Wizard of Oz"?) was first considered to play Aunt Pitypat. She did not get the role because she was considered "too young". She was 54. The role went to Laura Hope Crews. She was 59 years old.

7- Did the voice of the reminiscent soldier in the Atlanta hospital scene talking about his "brother Jeff" sound familiar? It should. It was the voice of Cliff Edwards. . He was the voice of Jiminy Cricket from Disney's animated movie "Pinocchio".

8- The horse Thomas Mitchell (Gerald O'Hara) rode throughout the movie, including the infamous jumping scene went on to be one of the most famous horses of movie history...Silver of "The Lone Ranger" (1949) fame.

9- The actor who played Aunt Pittypat's servant, Uncle Peter was a a regular on popular 1940's radio star Jack Benny's show...he was gravel-voiced Eddie 'Rochester' Anderson .

10- Melanie Hamilton was originally the intended heroine when Margaret Mitchell began writing "GWTW". It was while she was writing that Scarlett began to emerge as the strong-willed heroine.

11- The original name of Margaret Mitchell 's book was "Tomorrow Is Another Day" with the female heroine being named Pansy O'Hara.

And Ending On An Odd Note...
In 1999, singer Michael Jackson paid $1.5 million for the 1939 Oscar for Best Film...It was for "Gone With The Wind".

Holy Basil or Tulsi Benefits

Holy Basil or Tulsi Benefits

Tulsi plant has a lot of significance for mankind, due to the manifold medicinal benefits it provides. Tulsi leaves are widely used in the preparation of Ayurvedic medicines. It is known to promote the longevity of life. The extracts obtained from the plant are extensively brought to use for curing various diseases such as the common cold, inflammation, malaria, heart disease, headaches, stomach disorders, kidney stones, heart disorders, and many more. The Indian basil Tulasi also aids in the purification of atmosphere.

Tulasi plant serves as a fabulous repellant in fighting against flies, mosquitoes and insects. It is especially valuable in combating malarial fever. It is said that at the time of establishment of Victoria gardens in Bombay (now Mumbai), the workers became victims of mosquito bites and suffered from chronic malaria. Seeing the pitiable situation of the workers, some of the Hindu managers recommended the plantation of Tulsi plant in the garden. On following their advice, fruitful results were obtained. Thus, holy basil Tulsi helped to abate the growth of mosquitoes and control malaria.

There are numerous uses of Tulsi plant. The plant is increasingly finding its way in the Ayurvedic treatment of diseases. Tulsi leaves are widely used due to their healing power. It is a tonic for the nervous system and thus, helps a great deal in sharpening the memory. This aromatic plant supports the removal of phlegm and catarrhal matter from the bronchial tube. It also works wonders in preventing stomach disorders. The herb Tulsi is known to cure the respiratory disorders. The decoction prepared by mixing honey, ginger and Tulsi leaves is quite helpful in combating bronchitis, influenza and asthma.

The leaves of Tulsi plant are extremely beneficial during the rainy season, when diseases like malaria and dengue victimize the country. Boil the tender leaves of Tulsi in tea and give it to the patient. The juice extracted from Tulsi leaves serves as the best remedy to bring down fever. Tulsi is an essential ingredient in the preparation of Ayurvedic cough syrups. It is highly useful in getting rid of cold and flu. Even, for sore throat, the leaves of medicinal plant Tulsi is of great value. Just boil the leaves of Tulsi in water and ask the patient to gargle with this decoction.

Tulsi has the ability to strengthen the kidneys. For those suffering from the problem of renal kidney stones, the decoction prepared by mixing the juice of Tulsi leaves with honey, if taken sincerely for six consecutive months can oust these stones via the urinary tract. For maintaining healthy heart, Tulsi is of utmost value. It helps in lowering the level of cholesterol in blood. Thus, Tulsi plant serves as the most effective remedy to combat cardiac diseases.

15 Benefits of the Holy Basil (Tulsi)

The tulsi or holy basil is an important symbol in the Hindu religious tradition and is worshiped in the morning and evening by Hindus at large. The holy basil is also a herbal remedy for a lot of common ailments. Here're top fifteen medicinal uses of tulsi.

1. Healing Power: The tulsi plant has many medicinal properties. The leaves are a nerve tonic and also sharpen memory. They promote the removal of the catarrhal matter and phlegm from the bronchial tube. The leaves strengthen the stomach and induce copious perspiration. The seed of the plant are mucilaginous.

2. Fever & Common Cold: The leaves of basil are specific for many fevers. During the rainy season, when malaria and dengue fever are widely prevalent, tender leaves, boiled with tea, act as preventive against theses diseases. In case of acute fevers, a decoction of the leaves boiled with powdered cardamom in half a liter of water and mixed with sugar and milk brings down the temperature. The juice of tulsi leaves can be used to bring down fever. Extract of tulsi leaves in fresh water should be given every 2 to 3 hours. In between one can keep giving sips of cold water. In children, it is every effective in bringing down the temperature.

3. Coughs: Tulsi is an important constituent of many Ayurvedic cough syrups and expectorants. It helps to mobilize mucus in bronchitis and asthma. Chewing tulsi leaves relieves cold and flu.

4. Sore Throat: Water boiled with basil leaves can be taken as drink in case of sore throat. This water can also be used as a gargle.

5. Respiratory Disorder: The herb is useful in the treatment of respiratory system disorder. A decoction of the leaves, with honey and ginger is an effective remedy for bronchitis, asthma, influenza, cough and cold. A decoction of the leaves, cloves and common salt also gives immediate relief in case of influenza. They should be boiled in half a liter of water till only half the water is left and add then taken.

6. Kidney Stone: Basil has strengthening effect on the kidney. In case of renal stone the juice of basil leaves and honey, if taken regularly for 6 months it will expel them via the urinary tract.

7. Heart Disorder: Basil has a beneficial effect in cardiac disease and the weakness resulting from them. It reduces the level of blood cholesterol.

8. Children's Ailments: Common pediatric problems like cough cold, fever, diarrhea and vomiting respond favorably to the juice of basil leaves. If pustules of chicken pox delay their appearance, basil leaves taken with saffron will hasten them.

9. Stress: Basil leaves are regarded as an 'adaptogen' or anti-stress agent. Recent studies have shown that the leaves afford significant protection against stress. Even healthy persons can chew 12 leaves of basil, twice a day, to prevent stress. It purifies blood and helps prevent several common elements.

10. Mouth Infections: The leaves are quit effective for the ulcer and infections in the mouth. A few leaves chewed will cure these conditions.

11. Insect Bites: The herb is a prophylactic or preventive and curative for insect stings or bites. A teaspoonful of the juice of the leaves is taken and is repeated after a few hours. Fresh juice must also be applied to the affected parts. A paste of fresh roots is also effective in case of bites of insects and leeches.

12. Skin Disorders: Applied locally, basil juice is beneficial in the treatment of ringworm and other skin diseases. It has also been tried successfully by some naturopaths in the treatment of leucoderma.

13. Teeth Disorder: The herb is useful in teeth disorders. Its leaves, dried in the sun and powdered, can be used for brushing teeth. It can also be mixed with mustered oil to make a paste and used as toothpaste. This is very good for maintaining dental health, counteracting bad breath and for massaging the gums. It is also useful in pyorrhea and other teeth disorders.

14. Headaches: Basil makes a good medicine for headache. A decoction of the leaves can be given for this disorder. Pounded leaves mixed with sandalwood paste can also be applied on the forehead for getting relief from heat, headache, and for providing coolness in general.

15. Eye Disorders: Basil juice is an effective remedy for sore eyes and night-blindness, which is generally caused by deficiency of vitamin A. Two drops of black basil juice are put into the eyes daily at bedtime.

16. Acts on nervous system:It act on nervous system providing them strength, relieves stress and helps in relieving pain.

17. It work as appetizer and promotes digestion by helping in secretion of digestive enzymes.

18. It helps in preventing flatulence and avoids constipated stool.

19. Tulsi juice drops are very effective in earache.

20. Keep powder of tulsi root in water for overnight and take it early morning for diabetes natural cure.

Selasa, 08 Mei 2012

Tips to Improve your Listening Skills

Tips to Improve your Listening Skills

Etiquette and polish, both in personal and business settings, are linked to how well we communicate.
Most people think communication is all about speaking and devalue the importance of listening. And many others don't realise what a vast difference there is between simply hearing what is being said and really listening.

People who know how to listen learn more, care more, and end up being the ones we want to be around socially as well as professionally.

Want to improve your listening skills?

Understand why you need to listen and remember to practise these tips the next time you conduct a conversation.

Are your eyes listening?
Your eyes are a dead giveaway if you are not listening. When your mind wanders and you begin thinking of something or someone else, your eyes show your disinterest. And the person speaking to you is well aware that you are not paying attention. And this is true even if you don't look away. Blank stares don't conceal boredom!

How can you know if you are a bad listener?
A good listener uses his/ her eyes and mind while listening.
If you find yourself already formulating your next sentence in your mind while someone is speaking to you, you are doing injustice to the conversation. You will get more out of the conversation if you understand, comprehend and assimilate what is being said BEFORE responding.
Good etiquette = listening!
Do you make these common listening mistakes?

The difference between being a good listener versus a great listener is using your heart in addition to your eyes and mind while listening.
Do you do this?

If a friend tells you something is wrong, you immediately tend to give advice or criticism.
If a friend tells you about something wonderful that has happened, you usually chip in with something similar that you have experienced.

Rarely do we share joy or sympathise with pain. Rarely do we just let others speak. To improve your listening skills, practise with those closest to you. When family members or friends share their thoughts and feelings, curtail the urge to relate what you hear to one of your own.
What if a conversation bores you?
I believe 'interested people are interesting'.
Similarly, 'boring people get bored'.

You don't need to know a lot about a subject to have a conversation. You just need to have a desire to learn, understand and make things interesting.

For example, if someone tells you they are a teacher, instead of saying, "That's nice," and moving on to the next topic, try to find out why they are teaching, how they decided on this profession and what their current thoughts on teaching are.
Dig deep and create meaningful conversations.
How do I get others to listen to me?

Listen more intently, question more, and speak with emotion. Build interesting conversations instead of one-way lectures.
Engage people while you speak. Ask questions like, "What do you think?" or "Do you agree?"

Try not to speak continuously for long periods. People tend to have short attention spans.
When you do not listen to what others are saying and only care to listen to your own voice, this is an indication that you really do not care for other people's opinions.

Think about who you really enjoy being around, at work or in your personal life. Usually it is those who really listen and care about you. Are you listening?

"We forget that forgiveness is greater than revenge. People make mistakes. We are allowed to make mistakes. But the actions we take while in a rage will haunt us forever".

Senin, 07 Mei 2012

Shot Guns

Shot Guns
When buying a shotgun, there are many different factors to consider. Gauge, size, type and brand to name a few, but one of the first things you must consider is what type of shotgun is best for you. There are four basic types of shotguns, all of which accomplish the same goal which I have briefly described below. Each type has its own pros and cons; you must carefully consider each type and what the gun will be used for.

A single shot shotgun is a gun that only holds one shell at a time. They are typically the least expensive type of shotgun available, mainly because you only get one shot before you have to open the breach and reload a new shell before it may be fired again. These types of guns are great for the inexperienced or youth as they tend to be safer with only one shot at a time.

Pump-action shotguns are the most common type of shotgun, they are reliable and typically on the lower end of the price range. These guns hold multiple shells and require you to pump the forend after each shot to eject the spent shell and load a new shell.

Auto-Loader – These guns are also known as semi-automatics and use a variety of different automatic systems to eject the spent shell and load a new shell with only the pull of the trigger. This type of shotgun also tends to have less recoil (about 30% less) due to the automatic cycling action absorbing some of the recoil. Automatic loading shotguns generally are more expensive than pump-action and depending on the quality of the gun, they can be as reliable as a pump-action.

Double Barrel – A double barrel shotgun is a gun that only holds two shells at a time and can be found in one of two styles; over/under or side-by-side. One of the main advantages of a double barrel is that a hunter or shooter can insert a different choke into each barrel; this increases the chance of a successful shot which can depend on the distance of the target. Due to reliability and usability, double barrel shotguns tend to be the most expensive of all the shotgun types. Magazine fed guns need about 3 extra inches of barrel to allow for the action cycling of the gun which makes the barrel of a double barrel shotgun shorter and lighter. These guns are usually well balanced and swing effortlessly with a natural feel to them. Without a place to hide, a shell can be seen at a quick glance, making this gun type one of the safest. Due to the fact that the barrel is not connected to the firing action, double barrel guns may be broken open when you’re carrying your gun around camp or to your hunting spot without the chance of an accidental discharge.

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Selasa, 01 Mei 2012

Megan Fox Bikini