Senin, 28 Mei 2012

12 Secrets of Zodiac Symbols

12 Secrets of Zodiac Symbols

Mosaic pavement of a 6th century synagogue at Beth Alpha, Jezreel Valley, northern Israel. It was discovered in 1928. Signs of the zodiac surround the central chariot of the Sun (a Greek motif), while the corners depict the 4 "turning points" ("tekufot") of the year, solstices and equinoxes, each named for the month in which it occurs--tequfah of Tishrei, (tequfah of Tevet), tequfah of Ni(san), tequfah of Tamuz.

Have you ever wondered where that little symbol that represents your Zodiac sign comes from?

The symbol for Aries is a stylized representation of the head of a Ram.The long face and two horns of a ram. In Greek mythology, Aries was the Ram who bore the Golden Fleece, pursued by the adventurer Jason in his ship the Argo. Aries, however, didn't give up his fleece without a fight. Aries natives, like the mythological Ram, are rarely quitters.

The symbol for Taurus is a stylized representation of a round face and horned head of the bull. In ancient Goddess-worshiping societies, the Bull was worshiped as a symbol of fertility. The strength and stability of the Bull serves Taureans well in their steady progress through life.Negative: inwardly reflective, introvert.

The symbol for Gemini is two Twins standing side by side. The Twins were Castor and Pollux, the sons of Leda and the Swan (Zeus in disguise). The personalities of the Twins were totally different - which is why Gemini natives seem to have two distinct faces.

The symbol for Cancer is a stylized representation of the claws of a Crab. The goddess Hera sent a Crab to the hero Hercules to prevent him from killing the water serpent Hydra. Instead, Hercules killed the Crab, who was then transported to the heavens. The Crab's sacrifice lives on today in the selfless love of mothers, which are ruled by Cancer.

The glyph of Leo symbolizes the head of a Lion. The first labor of Hercules was to slay the Nemean Lion, a beast whose hide was so tough no arrow could pierce it. Hercules strangled it - and, again, its soul was sent to the skies. Today, like natives of this sign, Leo is a sign of strength, light, and brilliance - vulnerable only to the most powerful.

The M-shaped sign for Virgo stands for Mary, the virgin mother of Christ, and the squiggle at the side represents a sheaf of harvested wheat. Some believe this wheat sheaf demonstrates a remnant of ancient paganism in the heyday of early Christianity: the combination of inner purity with human fertility - both of which are features of Virgo natives today.

The symbol for Libra is a stylized representation of a pair of Scales. This sign is said to symbolize the scales of Astraea, the Roman Goddess of justice. Many Librans today make excellent judges and mediators as they can weigh the merits of both sides of any issue.

The symbol for Scorpio is an "M" for Mars, the traditional ruler of Scorpio, with a tail representing the sting of the Scorpion. The ancient hunter Orion once boasted that there was no beast big enough to kill him. The Scorpion proved him wrong. Scorpios can recall their strength in the scuffle with Orion and use it to help them to meet any challenge.

Sagittarius' symbol is the arrow of the Archer. Sagittarius, originally a fierce and warlike centaur, comes from a Sumerian legend. In ancient Rome, however, his myth was overshadowed by that of the gentle and fun-loving Chiron. Sagittarians thus can be very playful - and yet formidable opponents in any conflict.

The symbol for Capricorn depicts the head and tail of a goat. In Greek mythology, Capricorn was the name of a hero who, during the war of the Titans, panicked and jumped into the Nile, changing into a goat-fish hybrid creature, now called the Sea Goat. Today, Capricorns use the cleverness of the frightened hero to advance themselves in life.

Aquarius' symbol comes from the Egyptian hieroglyphic "Mu," meaning water. The Egyptians also had a water god called Hapi, usually shown pouring water onto the earth from two jars - the Water Bearer. Today, enlightened Aquarians spread the water of higher consciousness throughout the world.

The symbol for Pisces is a stylized representation of two Fishes. The myth of this sign goes as far back as Sumer, but the best-known story comes from the Greeks: Aphrodite and her son Eros were being chased by the monster Typhon, and narrowly escaped by jumping into a river and turning into Fishes. Pisceans of today tend to escape into the waters of imagination.

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